Anatomy of A Hemp Plant: Genders And Parts

You may see dry herb vaporizers everywhere, but what about dry herb and where it comes from? Actually, learning about the different parts of hemp, a type of non-drug-use cannabis plant, has probably not been a part of any curriculum so far. However, you have probably learned about the structure of other plants during Biology classes, so you will easily understand the structure of the hemp plant because it is almost identical to the structure of other plants. Below you can find some basic information regarding hemp plants, their structure, and the specifics of each of their parts.

Different Kinds of Hemp Plants

There are several different kinds of hemp plants, and all of them have individual specifics that make them unique. The differences between these kinds include the different strains and the gender of it. Genders are one of the most significant aspects when it comes to hemp plants. Their genders can be noticed after the it has been growing for approximately six weeks. Before continue to growing hemp, you should always be careful and check their genders.

Male Hemp Plants

If you notice small balls on the stem, then that hemp plant is male. Those tiny balls are actually pollen sacs developed by male plants. They can be easily noticed, especially once the single tiny balls develop into larger clusters. It is advisable to take the male plants out of the growing patch because the tiny pollen sacs might develop entirely and pollinate all other plants around them.

Female Hemp Plants

Female hemp plants do not develop pollen sacs. Instead, they create resinous bud rich in cannabinoids. Since the amounts of cannabinoids in the resinous bud are very high, this part is usually trimmed down, packed, and sold as A-bud. Both consumers and growers value female plants more than male one because only female one can develop flowers. Those flowers contain large amounts of cannabinoids that are very beneficial.

Parts of the Hemp Plant You Can Consume

The trimming process actually involves cutting the overgrown or dead parts of the plant, such as stems, so that the growth and fruitfulness of the plant are increased. A great amount of excess plant parts and matter is the result of the trimming process, and this is usually used for producing other products or is composted. When trimming the plants, the long stalk is cut down to the colas. There are resinous trichomes in colas that are responsible for the potency of dry herbs. All other parts of this plant that are cut during the trimming process can be reused in different ways.


Cola is the part of the dry herb that is regarded as a nug (a piece of marijuana). This is the part of the hemp plant that contains the highest number of cannabinoids. Colas grow at the very end of the stem of the female plants. The appearance of colas depends on various different factors, including the growing conditions and the strain of the plant. You can notice a fluffier texture on their surface, or they can sometimes appear as dense clusters. Once the trimming process is over, colas are the parts of the hemp plant that are left. Experienced users can easily recognize the colas.


Trichomes cannot be easily noticed at first. If you are not seeing a dry herb for the first time, then you already know which parts of the hemp plant are referred to as trichomes. These parts have a furry appearance, and they spread from the nug of the dry herb. Trichomes are the most important part of cultivating powerful dry herbs for smoking because they contribute to the potency of the plant. They create terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids. The combination of these compounds is what makes the hemp plant potent. If you analyze trichomes with a microscope, you will notice that they look like tiny crystals. Trichomes make dry herbs sticky.

Parts of the Hemp Plant that are Usually Used for Creating other Products

As was mentioned above, the excess hemp plant parts and material are a result of the trimming process. The flowers or cola are what remain after the trimming process. The resinous trichomes are placed in the colas and are relevant for the potency of the plant. Once the trimming is done, the excess material does not have to destroy. It can be either composted or reused for creating other products.

Hemp Trim

The excess plant material that is cut during the trimming process is also known as trim. Trim refers to all other parts of the plant except for colas. For example, sugar leaves and fan leaves are trim. Fan leaves can be easily noticed. They are the part of the hemp plant that aids with photosynthesis, but fan leaves contain zero trichomes. Sugar leaves are tiny and loose leaves placed at the lower part of the cola. These are usually the first parts that are trimmed away. Sugar leaves contain cannabinoids, but not as many as colas.

You may be curious about what part of the hemp plant does CBD come from. Here is the answer: hemp trim. It is most often used to create CBD extract in various different forms, including infused oil, infused butter, and infused alcohol. CBD products are usually made out of these CBD extracts. A great number of manufacturers combine both hemp trim and flower when creating CBD products like CBD vape oils, edibles, wax concentrates, tinctures, topicals, and pet drops.

Hemp Stems

Hemp Stems

Whether the stems are from male or fema plants, they should not be smoked. However, a lot of manufacturers use these types of plants to produce different household products, such as durable textiles, strong ropes, and alternative kinds of paper, because the hemp fiber is very strong. That makes hemp the perfect plant material for producing the mentioned household stuff.

All parts of the hemp plant can be used in the production process of different valuable products and products that can be consumed. Familiarizing yourself with the different parts of the hemp plant will help you understand which hemp products to look for in a retail store and which ones are in a dispensary.