Gauging the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil often requires a bit of background in the cannabis industry. As these names described entirely different products it's very important that you are able to read the difference between them before you make a purchase decision.

CBD oil and hemp oil are their own unique products and even though they both provide health benefits they deliver these benefits in different ways. These come from several different parts of the cannabis plant and they can have different benefits and uses. The brands typically label themselves in different ways and this can often make it difficult for consumers to tell the difference between the two products. CBD oil and hemp oil will have its differences and here are some of the big differences that you can check in on so that you'll have a better idea of the benefits:

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil

The active ingredient in CBD oil is CBD and this is a compound that has been used for thousands of years in maintaining our bodily balance. CBD affects the endocannabinoid system and this can assist with a variety of health effects such as curbing stress, assisting with joint and muscular pain as well as providing neurological relief. CBD has also been shown to support better sleeping habits. It's an FDA approved additive for a variety of health products and even used in potent formats to treat patients that regularly suffer from epilepsy and seizures.

Hemp oil does not contain the same cannabinoids that can be found in CBD. Hemp oil instead is full of nutrients such as a high concentration of proteins and polyunsaturated acids. CBD oil also contains large amounts of vitamin E which can provide our body with omega-3 fatty acids and Omega six fatty acids. Using hemp oil can be an excellent way that you could supplement your diet while seeing improved health effects as a result of a more balanced diet.

CBD Oil Versus Hemp Oil in Use

CBD oil is typically used as a holistic product only. You can find CBD oil as an additive to vape juice and it also gets regularly added into a number of other health products as well. A hemp derived CBD oil also contains a very low THC content with high CBD content. Most of the time the structure of THC within a dose of CBD oil is less than 0.3%. This means that the user can enjoy all of the therapeutic properties from CBD without the same chance for mind altering effects that THC can bring on. Many people also claim that CBD can be beneficial for a number of chronic conditions like anxiety. It does have proven use in treating epilepsy and seizures.

CBD oil is used as more than just an additive for food or ingestible product. It also works particularly well in topical fashion. Many athletes use it for pain management and for recovery because when applied topically it can reduce inflammation. CBD oil is also available in tincures and capsules that can make it easier to dose with. Many people prefer to take CBD oil before they go to bed as it can provide support as a sleep aid as well.

Hemp oil has become a popular choice for a food additive. Many home chefs are including it with their favorite oils for cooking in the kitchen. It has an extremely high nutritionist value and contains a number of nutrient values that can improve human health and balance out anyone's diet. Hemp oil is considered to be a superfood by many top experts today. There are new recipes being included regularly that make a substitute for all of oil and even an additive in items like smoothies or salad dressings.

Hemp oil has also had an extensive history in the cosmetic industry. As one of the key ingredients for softening hair in conditioners, lotions and soap, this is a product that can protect our skin and preserve moisture over time. The hemp oil that is included in a wide range of cosmetics also makes its way into a series of plastics, lubricants and paints as a direct substitute for petroleum based products. As more manufacturers continue to use hemp oil we can see a more sustainable use for this product in the manufacturing industry.

CBD Oil Versus Hemp Oil Sourcing

As mentioned previously, CBD oil and hemp oil are derived from different elements of the cannabis plant. CBD oil utilizes the entire plant to produce the health effects that it provides whereas hemp oil only uses the seeds of the plant.

CBD oil is made from a number of parts within the hemp plant and this includes the flowers and stalks. The plant first have to come to maturity but then the CBD and other compounds can be derived from the plant and separated in the extraction process. Most individual producers uses CO2 extraction and this doesn't involve any type of toxic compounds. Throughout the extraction process all of the most useful parts of the hemp plant our ground together into a solvent which extracts their useful nutrients. When the CO2 is applied this can remove the vital ingredients and delivering oil that has an extremely high CBD content. The content is tested in an ongoing sense to make sure that there are no extra or unwanted sources and that all of the essential compounds in the oil are properly balanced.

Hemp oil is produced using only hemp seeds and this generally takes place in a process that's known as cold pressing. This is a process that regularly used for the creation of many carrier oils especially in products like sunflower seed oil and jojoba oil. With cold pressing, it's possible to preserve all of the nutrient content within the seeds as well as make sure the maximum can be extracted from the seeds too. Hemp seeds mostly contain oil and up to 50% of the weight of the seeds that are harvested is the oil. In order to properly process the seeds they need to be weighed, de-shelled, cooled down and then appropriately coldpressed. The mixture that comes out of the seeds is a product that's green in color and heavily unrefined. The mixture is often filtered out to be added into ingredients or left unfiltered for maximum nutrients. The seeds from hemp oil are usually produced exclusively from industrial hemp plants. These types of hemp plants do not contain cannabinoids like THC and they don't contain any of the CBD ingredients either.

Why there is a Problem with Mixing the Two up?

Both of these products contain ingredients for wellness service fairly unlikely that you would receive any type of harm if you purchased one product and used it over another. If you're looking for a specific health affect from CBD oil or hemp seed oil, you may be stuck if you were to purchase one brand over another. There's also some added expense based off of the products that you choose. Because a large amount of product often needs to be distilled in order to create these products, there is an expense that comes with acquiring these oils.

What many brands are doing with the popularity of these oils is actually cutting down some of the cannabis content by mixing in carrier oils. Hemp seed oil or cannabis sativa oil can often be marks that would suggest a brand has a series of carrier oils in their product. If the brand isn't directly calling their product CBD oil or hemp oil, it could be wise to check in on the ingredients to make sure that you aren't overpaying for a product that has less purity.

Checking the product label on any product that you're considering purchasing is a good way to make sure that you don't fall for a trap in marketing. It can also help you watch out for added ingredients such as THC which could produce effects that you may not be looking for in your experience. If you're looking for only the unique benefits of CBD make sure that you are grabbing a product that contains a good dose of it that's derived from quality sources.

The Potential Uses of CBD Oil and Hemp Oil

CBD oil and hemp oil do you have chemical attributes which are similar but they are derived from different sources. They can each have their own unique approach to solving a series of ailments. CBD oil and hemp oil are often uses natural supplements and they can improve human health in some of these top ways:

CBD Oil Uses

  • Anxiety: CBD oils can act as an excellent relaxant. For individuals that regularly experience anxiety, it's possible to regularly does with CBD oils and see very little side effects related to their usage.
  • Depression: in clinical studies, CBD has also been shown to have a direct impact on serotonin receptors within the brain. Regularly dosing with CBD oil can help to improve a person's emotional well-being. For individuals that are suffering from the symptoms of depression, balancing out serotonin levels can often be a fantastic way to manage their condition.
  • Pain Relief: CBD oil can also work in alleviating the symptoms of chronic pain. Athletes often used CBD oil products treating short-term pain as well. Because CBD is so effective at reducing inflammation it is possible to reduce the symptoms of swelling and pain that a person may experience over time. This can be particularly effective for people that suffer from chronic conditions of pain or for individuals rehabbing injuries. CBD also promote better sleep which can assist with the recovery process. It's been proven to be highly effective at fighting against insomnia and sleep interruptions which can assist with recovering from chronic conditions and pain.
  • Skin Care: CBD oil is also used topically to treat a variety of skin conditions. Ongoing support for conditions like acne, brown spots and wrinkles have been proven effective. As CBD provides anti-inflammatory benefits it is possible to continue to prevent acne and clear up a variety of other skin conditions. The antioxidants in CBD oil also work particularly well at curbing skin aging. Regularly using CBD oil can often be a popular way to preserve skin health over time.
  • Blood Pressure: CBD oil has been shown to lower blood pressure in humans. It delivers an overwhelming effect at reducing systolic pressure in the arteries and it provides improvements to the way that the heart pumps blood. Moderate doses of CBD oil can continue to improve blood flow over time and lower heart rate. It's an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety and it's being introduced to help patients with high blood pressure in a series of trails.

Hemp Oil Uses 

Vitamin supplement: hemp oil is much more effective for its high dosage of vitamins. Hemp oil contains extremely high doses of vitamins including B2, B1, B and E vitamins. Hemp oil also works as an invaluable solution for building protein in the body. It contains antioxidants as well as a number of other helpful nutrients like magnesium, fatty acids, potassium and more. Using hemp oil is a vitamin supplement has been shown to adjust the body's cholesterol levels as well as assist with a variety of conditions like acne, psoriasis and more.

When we look at the main differences between benefits in CBD oil and hemp oil we can start to realize that one is designed more as a health supplement for maintaining dietary balance in our bodies. The other is better suited to the idea of improvements to our overall health and wellbeing over time.

The Proper Usage of CBD Oil and Hemp Oil

Understanding the ideal way that you can use or inject cannabis oils can ensure that you are getting the ideal delivery method. There are a number of highly safe ways that you can consume cannabis oils. Some of the most productive and safest methods that can be used include:

  • Through a drink: A cannabis related beverage or supplement legatee or a juice can be an excellent way that you can manage your intake of hemp oils. Adding a bit of this oil into your tea or into a warm drink will make sure that you can enjoy a quality intake without too much strain on the digestive system. Trying to consume hemp oil in other solid foods can make it more difficult for the products actually pastor your system and give you the health benefits.
  • Oral doses: Oral doses added into supplements, mints, hard candy or even dummies can help you to very quickly absorb the oils into your system. With these sublingual gland which is located on the underside of your tongue, you can enjoy a very quick and safe method for absorbing the oils that can be activated much faster than if you were digesting the oils.
  • Through vaping: CBD oils in vaping can often be a very popular way that you can consume the products for an almost immediate effect. Rather than oils that are absorbed into your digestive system, you can have the oils be instantly taken into the lungs and delivered throughout the appropriate receptors. When CBD oil is absorbed into the lungs you can very quickly start to see the effects and you won't have to rely on the use of your digestive system to process the incoming materials.

When you do decide to use hemp oil or CBD oil, it's a very good idea to consider speaking with the general health practitioner. While there are very little side effects that come with either product, there can be some drug interactions as a result of using CBD or hemp products. Starting to take an alternative health product usually requires a bit of testing. Rather than simply trying out the products for yourself, you can consult with a physician and find out if the product would be a good idea for managing your conditions or for improving balance in your day-to-day health.

Any over-the-counter CBD oil or hemp oil also needs to be verified for its potency and quality. CBD oils and hemp oils can vary based off of the quality of the product and there are a number of manufacturers that will attempt to short change their customers by delivering a solution that is extremely low on purity or delivered with a very low quality for a cannabis product.

Make sure that you're reading up on the oils that you are selecting and the manufacturers so that you can have a great indication on the quality of the products that you are receiving. Reading online reviews and speaking to other individuals that have faced the same conditions can help you optimize your use of hemp oil or CBD-based products.

Choosing the delivery method that works best for you and that provides you with the ideal boost to your health symptoms is often important as well. When you have committed to treatment with hemp oil or CBD make sure that you are choosing an option that fits with your lifestyle as a delivery method.

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