How to Store And Preserve Dry Herbs

If you tend to minimize your dry herb vapes daily, you may enjoy small amounts of dry herbs, then you won’t need more than one-eight of it. The main question consumers have is - how long dry herbs, or the weed actually last and how long they are good to be consumed. You might have found a nug that’s been sitting in a hidden corner somewhere in your closet, and you probably wonder if it is safe to use it. In situations like these, consumers are not sure whether to smoke those herbs or simply throw them away. The answers to these questions depend on several different factors. The first important aspect is to properly store your weed. Below you can find some useful tips about storing dry flowers correctly so that you can use them for a longer time. Don’t waste a single gram of your material. Preserve it and enjoy it longer.

The Changes That Happen When Dry Herb Ages

If the dry herb is not stored in a sealed container and is not kept in a dry, dark, and cool place, it starts changing over time. Like other plants, cannabis also changes during the natural aging process. Some of these changes include lower potency and efficiency in the long run. The terpenes and cannabinoids that are part of the cannabis will start breaking down if the dry herb is exposed to air for a longer period of time. Once the terpenes start breaking down, the aroma of the weed lowers. On the other hand, when cannabinoids start breaking down, the potency and efficiency of the dry herb are lower. Time after time, the potency of terpenes and cannabinoids of the dry herb decreases. But it decreases even faster if you don’t store the material properly.

Why Is It Important To Store Dry Herb Properly?

If dry herb or the weed flower is not stored properly, it will become less potent. It will affect the weed flavor while vaping or smoking. Moreover, it might not be safe to smoke weed because it can go bad. It is important to know how to determine that your weed has gone bad. For example, if you notice that it is moldy, that means that it has been exposed to too much humidity and moisture. Try to break the weed with your hand. If it is spongy, then it is too moist, and it is not safe for use. On the other hand, if the dry herb is dried too much, then it can turn to dust once you start grinding it up. You can notice whether the weed is too old and dry by simply snapping its stem. Another thing you can do is smell the dry herb. You will immediately notice if it smells bad and if it is not good for consumption.

How To Properly Store Your Dry Herbs?

Both people who adore vaping dry herbs, and those who prefer to smoke them, should store their material in some kind of a storage container. Properly storing weed means paying attention and controlling the temperature and humidity they are exposed to. Try not to expose them to direct sunlight. It is best if you can store them in a dark, cool, and dry place, such as a pantry. Moreover, you should not expose your weed to open air. Make sure they are stored in a sealed or airtight container or jar. By keeping your dry herbs away from direct sunlight and open air, you preserve their quality, potency, and aroma.

How To Properly Store Your Dry Herbs

Additional Tips

Suppose you want to further improve and preserve the quality of your weed so that you can enjoy benefits of dry herb vaporizer and extraordinary vaping sessions for a longer period of time. In that case, you can also try to control the level of humidity around your material. Experts claim that the perfect range of humidity is from 54% to 63%. It is a good idea to add a humidity control pack in the container where you keep your dry herbs, in case the place where you have stored them is too dry. Just like the name suggests, the humidity control pack will control the moisture in the container. You can reach the ideal level of humidity if you store your dry herbs in an ordinary mason jar and keep it in the dark, dry, and cool place.

How Long Do Dry Herbs Last If They Are Not Stored Properly?

Taking into consideration all of the abovementioned factors, most of you probably wonder how long dry herbs usually last if they are not stored properly. Dry herbs will last for a very long time if you are able to control the light, temperature, air, and humidity they are exposed to. If they are preserved in ideal conditions after curing, they might last from six months to a whole year. However, keep in mind that the weed does not start aging the day you buy them. If you buy them from a licensed dispensary, then you will find this date on the product label.

When To Throw Away Dry Herbs?

There are some scientific tricks to make your dry herbs last for two years. However, if you can’t control the humidity level around your weed, then they will probably last for around six months after you buy them. Smoking fresh dry flower is always the best idea. Nowadays, there are numerous licensed dispensaries throughout the United States where you can buy small quantities of weed. If you are one of those people who don’t smoke dry herbs daily, or if you hope to micro-dose your weed consumption, then you can buy a single gram from the closest dispensary. Once you use it, you can buy more. This way, your stash won’t go bad. Regardless of the number of dry herbs you buy, remember to store them in a sealed container and keep them in a dry, cool, and dark place to preserve their efficiency, potency, and aroma.